A reform will be implemented in the helium purification system of the 10MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Test Reactor (HTR-10) in China. The measurement of the γ dose rates of facilities, including valves, pipes, dust filter, etc., in the purification system of the HTR-10, has been performed. The results indicated that most radiation nuclides are concentrated in the dust filter and facilities at the entrance of the helium purification system upstream of the dust filter. Other facilities have the same γ dose rate level as the background. Based on the previous study and experiences in AVR, the measurement results can be understood that the radioactive dust carried by the helium gas was filtered by the dust filter. It provides important insights for the decontamination and decommissioning of facilities in the primary loop, especially in the helium purification system of the HTR-10 as well as the High Temperature Reactor-Pebblebed Modules (HTR-PM).

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