The UK Low Level Waste Repository has submitted a fully revised Environmental Safety Case (ESC) to the Environment Agency for the continued operation of the site. The Environment Agency is reviewing the submission. As part of the review of the ESC, we have been engaging with the Environment Agency to answer questions and provide further clarification where required. Once the review is complete, LLWR will apply for a revised permit for the continued operation of the site. We are required by our current Permit to operate the site in accordance with the assumptions of the ESC. We have developed a process for the implementation and maintenance of the ESC as a ‘live’ safety case under formal change control, and the development of waste acceptance arrangements identified as necessary to ensure that the repository is operated in a safe and optimised way, consistent with the assumptions and results of the ESC. Engagement with waste consignors has been essential in the development of revised waste acceptance criteria. Additional work has also been carried out in the development of an Article 37 submission, presenting the ESC to local stakeholders and developing of waste emplacement strategies.

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