The project include systematic scenarios analysis of conditionally released materials from the decommissioning of nuclear installations and the creation of new knowledge in this field, which will be used for implementing projects for reuse of these materials. New knowledge includes data about materials from the decommissioning (types of materials and radiological data on the basis of analysis of various scenarios). Scenarios contain information about conditionally released materials, data of the external exposure of personnel who will assemble those structures and who will be use the constructions up to the target scenario. Scenarios assume guarantee that the final products will be placed on the current position for a very long period from 50 to 100 years. The paper presents the review of activities for manufacturing of various steel construction elements made of conditionally released steels and activities for realisation of selected scenarios for reuse of construction elements. The ingots after melting of decommissioned radioactive steel materials are as the starting material for manufacturing of steel components. Ingots from the controlled area will be melted into induction furnace and the mixture of liquid steel will be alloyed for achieve of required chemical parameters. Typical steel products suitable for established scenarios are steel rebar of concrete, steel profiles of various forms, railway rails and rolled steel sheets. Target scenarios include an analysis of staff exposure during installation of steel constructions as well as exposure of individual from critical groups of population during their exploitation.
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ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management
September 25–29, 2011
Reims, France
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division and Environmental Engineering Division
Reuse of Conditionally Released Steel: Proposals and Evaluation of Processes for Manufacturing of Steel Elements and Processes for Construction of Selected Scenarios
Frantisˇek Ondra,
Frantisˇek Ondra
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
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Vladimir Danisˇka,
Vladimir Danisˇka
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
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Vladimi´r Necˇas
Vladimi´r Necˇas
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
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Peter Beza´k
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
Frantisˇek Ondra
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
Eva Hajkova´
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
Vladimir Danisˇka
DECOM, a.s., Trnava, Slovakia
Vladimi´r Necˇas
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Paper No:
ICEM2011-59130, pp. 539-547; 9 pages
Published Online:
August 17, 2012
Beza´k, P, Ondra, F, Hajkova´, E, Danisˇka, V, & Necˇas, V. "Reuse of Conditionally Released Steel: Proposals and Evaluation of Processes for Manufacturing of Steel Elements and Processes for Construction of Selected Scenarios." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Parts A and B. Reims, France. September 25–29, 2011. pp. 539-547. ASME.
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