The purpose of this paper is to describe an innovative process for segmenting PWR Guide Tubes (GT’s) and the service (training and execution) that can be performed successfully and safely. Over time, some utilities are replacing control rod GT’s and store them in temporary disposal facilities. Due to lack of space, as the case for the BCOT (EDF – France / Tricastin), it is sometimes needed to cut and condition them in waste packages for final disposal and waste treatment. Based on its experience, Westinghouse has recently developed a complete solution for cutting and consolidating GT’s. One of the challenges related to such equipment is to consider two routes for the waste management: one for the activated segments and another for the less activated segments. Depending on the regulation and of the storage acceptance criteria’s, the length of the segments has been defined to minimize the volume of highly activated waste and therefore develop a process which is adapted to the size of containers specified by the customer. A model with five cutting operations and generating six segments has been chosen. In order to minimize risks and ensure safety for personnel and facilities, radiological studies were performed for various configurations. All cutting techniques previously used by Westinghouse in similar applications have been evaluated. Underwater mechanical cutting with a band saw has been selected.
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ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management
September 25–29, 2011
Reims, France
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division and Environmental Engineering Division
An Innovative Process for Segmenting of Guide Tubes
Patrick Gobert,
Patrick Gobert
Westinghouse Electric Belgium, Nivelles, Belgium
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Pierre-Henri Ponchon,
Pierre-Henri Ponchon
Westinghouse Electric France, Orsay, France
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Stefan Fallstro¨m,
Stefan Fallstro¨m
Westinghouse Electric Sweden, Va¨stera˚s, Sweden
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Joseph Boucau
Joseph Boucau
Westinghouse Electric Belgium, Nivelles, Belgium
Search for other works by this author on:
Patrick Gobert
Westinghouse Electric Belgium, Nivelles, Belgium
Pierre-Henri Ponchon
Westinghouse Electric France, Orsay, France
Stefan Fallstro¨m
Westinghouse Electric Sweden, Va¨stera˚s, Sweden
Joseph Boucau
Westinghouse Electric Belgium, Nivelles, Belgium
Paper No:
ICEM2011-59029, pp. 249-252; 4 pages
Published Online:
August 17, 2012
Gobert, P, Ponchon, P, Fallstro¨m, S, & Boucau, J. "An Innovative Process for Segmenting of Guide Tubes." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Parts A and B. Reims, France. September 25–29, 2011. pp. 249-252. ASME.
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