Part of TRU waste includes a large amount of nitrate salt, the effects of which have to be evaluated in a safety assessment of co-location disposal with high level radioactive waste (HLW). High concentrations of nitrate ions from TRU waste might affect the solubility of different radionuclides in the HLW. In the current study, the effects of nitrate salt on radionuclide solubility were investigated experimentally. Solubility experiments of important and redox sensitive radionuclides, Tc(IV), Np(IV) and Se(0), were performed using various concentrations of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and of Np(V) in NaNO3 solutions to investigate complex formation with NO3 ions. Solubility experiments of Pd(II), Sn(IV) and Nb(V) using ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) solution were also undertaken to investigate complex formation with NH3/NH4+ ions. No significant solubility enhancement was observed for Np and Se. Tc solubility in ≥0.1 mol/dm3 NaNO3 solution increased due to oxidation by nitrate ions. An increase of Np(V) solubility was expected by the chemical equilibrium model calculation with JNC-TDB, however, solubility enhancement by complex formation of Np(V) with nitrate ions was not observed. Solubility enhancement by complex formation of Sn and Nb were also not observed, only Pd solubility was increased by complex formation with NH3/NH4+ ions.

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