In 2007, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the Nuclear Research Institute Rˇezˇ plc (NRI) was shipped to the Russian Federation for reprocessing. A large amount of SNF of Russian origin has been accumulated after 50 years of research reactor operation. The shipment was realized in the frame of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) program under the US-Russian Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). SNF shipment from NRI to the Russian Federation represented a very complex and complicated technical, legal and contractual scope of work. The SNF shipment has been realized under specific conditions: 1. High capacity SˇKODA VPVR/M casks were used for transportation for the first time. 2. For the first time, high enriched uranium SNF from a research reactor has been sent to the Russian Federation from a European Union country under the appropriate intergovernmental agreements, legal regulations and conditions. NRI also participates in shipments of SNF from other countries within the framework of the RRRFR program. NRI participated in shipments of SNF from Bulgaria and Hungary in 2008, from Poland in 2009 and 2010, from Ukraine in 2010. Shipments from Belarus and Serbia are planned in 2010. The second shipment of the residue of high enriched SNF from NRI after changeover of the reactor operation to low enriched fuel will be implemented in 2013. The experiences gained during the SNF transportation are described in the paper together with the present and future NRI activities in support of the SNF shipment from other countries.

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