The purpose of this paper is to provide the results of a series of volume reduction tests conducted in thermal and mechanical processes. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institutes (KAERI) has developed volume reduction technology applicable to an activated heavy concrete waste generated by dismantling the South Korea Research Reactor (KRR-2) and the uranium-contaminated light weight concrete produced from a uranium conversion plant (UCP). The volume reduction rate could achieve above 70% by heating following a mechanical separation process. Demonstration tests were performed with concrete waste generated from KRR-2 and UCP by thermal and mechanical process. The developed processes were quite effective for the volume reduction of radioactively contaminated dismantled concrete waste.
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ASME 2010 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management
October 3–7, 2010
Tsukuba, Japan
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division and Environmental Engineering Division
Decontamination of Radioactive Concrete Wastes by Thermal and Mechanical Processes
Byung Youn Min,
Byung Youn Min
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
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Wang Kyu Choi,
Wang Kyu Choi
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
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Ki Won Lee,
Ki Won Lee
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
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Kune Woo Lee,
Kune Woo Lee
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
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Un Soo Chung
Un Soo Chung
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
Byung Youn Min
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Wang Kyu Choi
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Ki Won Lee
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Kune Woo Lee
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Un Soo Chung
KAERI - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Paper No:
ICEM2010-40221, pp. 189-192; 4 pages
Published Online:
April 5, 2011
Min, BY, Choi, WK, Lee, KW, Lee, KW, & Chung, US. "Decontamination of Radioactive Concrete Wastes by Thermal and Mechanical Processes." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASME 2010 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Volume 1. Tsukuba, Japan. October 3–7, 2010. pp. 189-192. ASME.
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