Having about 200 tons of solid radioactive waste aboard, the Volodarskiy Floating Technical Base (FTB) is a potential radiation pollution source for the Murmansk region and Kola Bay, as her long-term berthing negatively affects the hull structures. Thereby, Atomflot collaborated with ANO Aspect-Konversia and JSC NIPTB Onega within the frameworks of Federal Special-purpose Program “Assurance of Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the period up to 2015” and developed the Volodarskiy FTB dismantling concept. In 2008 in the course of development of the Volodarskiy FTB dismantling concept the following works were carried out: 1) vessel condition survey, including SRW radiological analysis; 2) feasibility study of the Volodarskiy FTB dismantling alternatives. In this regard the following alternatives were analyzed: – formation of the package assembly in the form of vessel’s undivided hull for durable storage in the Saida long-term storage facility (LTSF); - formation of individual SRW package assemblies for durable storage in the Saida LTSF; - comprehensive recycling of all solid radioactive waste by disposal in protective containers. 3) selection and approval of the dismantling alternative. The alternative of formation of individual SRW package assemblies for durable storage in the Saida LTSF was selected by the Rosatom State Corporation. In this case the works will be performed on a step-by-step basis at the Atomflot enterprise and SRE Nerpa. The conceptual dismantling technology was developed for the selected Volodarskiy FTB dismantling option. The proceedings contain description of options, analysis procedure and proposal for further study of mentioned challenge.

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