The education service for specialists dealing with radioactive waste was established in Russia (former USSR) in 1983 and was based on the capabilities of two organisations: Moscow Scientific and Industrial Association «Radon» (SIA “Radon”) and Lomonosov’s Moscow State University. These two organizations are able jointly to offer training programs in the science fundamentals, applied research and in practical operational areas of the all pre-disposal activities of the radioactive waste management (RWM). Since 1997 this system was upgraded to the international level and now acts as the International Education Training Centre (IETC) at SIA “Radon” under the guidance of the IAEA. During last 12 years more than 350 specialists from 33 European and Asian countries enhanced their knowledge and skills in RWM. The IAEA supported many specialized regional training courses and workshops, fellowships, on-the-job training, and scientific visits which are additional means to assure development of personnel capabilities. Efficiency of training was analysed at IETC using the structural adaptation of educational process as well as factors, which have influence on education quality. In addition social-psychological aspects were also taken into account in assessing the overall efficiency. The analysis of the effect of individual factors and the efficiency of education activity were carried out based on appraisal results and post-course questioning of attendees.

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