In Germany, altogether 19 nuclear power plants (NPPs) and prototype reactors have been permanently shut down. For 15 NPPs the dismantling is in progress with “green-field conditions” as planning target. Two units were completely dismantled and two are in safe enclosure. The main legal provision for all aspects of the peaceful use of nuclear energy in Germany is the Atomic Energy Act (AtG), which also contains the basic legal conditions for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. It stipulates that decommissioning is subject to a licence by the regulatory body of the respective Federal State (Land). An emerging decommissioning practice in Germany is the removal of complete undismantled large components and their transport to interim storage facilities. During the period of storage, the radionuclide inventory of the components will decrease due to radioactive decay and the subsequent segmentation of the components can be done with less radiation protection effort. The commissioning of the Konrad repository in the near future might have consequences on planning of decommissioning, regarding the selection of a decommissioning strategy and the waste management.

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