This paper discusses the impact of the parameter values used for the transport of radionuclides from high-level radioactive waste to the far-field on the long-term safety of a proposed geological disposal in the Boom Clay formation in Belgium. The methodology of the Safety Assessment is explained, and the results of the Safety Assessment for vitrified high-level waste and spent fuel are presented. The radionuclides having the strongest impact on the dose-to-man for both HLW glass and spent fuel are 79Se, 129I, 126Sn, 36Cl, and 99Tc. Some of them are volatile during the vitrification process, other radionuclides are activation products, and for many of them there is no accurate information on their inventory in the waste form. The hypotheses in the selection of the main parameter values are further discussed, together with the status of the R&D on one of the main dose contributing radionuclides (79Se).

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