The Bulgarian government and the European Commission have agreed on the close down date for units 1 & 2 and for units 3 & 4 the decision is still pending. In order to support the decommissioning activities, planning and licensing projects have been performed for the units 1 & 2 in the frame of PHARE by the EC. Meanwhile the units 1 & 2 are shut down on the end of 2002. The implementation of hardware activities is presently being supported by the EBRD. In the frame of a project financed by the IAEA and the Bulgarian Decommissioning Fund, the development of a Decommissioning Management System (DeManS) and the installation of the necessary hardware are going on. DeManS is based on the most up-to-date Oracle database and application server architecture in order to offer maximum scaling, failsafe security and flexibility. Different integrated modules are available for the Management of the complete decommissioning project. These modules support all the tasks necessary for the: • documentation, • environmental information, • registration of the plant status, • Safe Enclosure, • planning/calculation and • dismantling planning and supervision. The project started in 2002 and will continue until late 2003. The hardware installation has been completed in the beginning of 2002. The first modules for documentation (DMS), Environmental Information (EIS) and Registration (REG) have been developed and installed up to May 2003. The functionality of the DeManS will be described for each module as well as for the interaction between them.

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