As part of a development program for radioactive waste management, two test boreholes have been constructed at the MosNPO “Radon” Site to evaluate the conditions of LILW storage in such facilities, to observe the behaviour of engineered barriers as a function of time, the ability of the system to contain radionuclides and to test the reliability of a monitoring system. To obtain a licence for operation of such boreholes, MosNPO “Radon” specialists have prepared a package of documents, including a “Report on Safety Assessment of LILW Storage in Large Diameter Boreholes” [1]. On the basis of radiation safety standards and requirements being in force in Russian Federation, a range of possible accidents and emergencies during the operational period has been considered in this study. In this paper, the authors present results of a long term safety assessment of LILW disposal in the boreholes, performed within the framework of the above mentioned report.

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