When approaching the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of a nuclear facility, the key elements of the project are the characterization, dismantlement execution, and the waste management (assay, packaging, transportation, and disposal) tasks. Waste management generally accounts for 40 to 45% of the total cost of the decommissioning project. This paper addresses an effective approach, based on demonstrated experience, to manage the dispostion alternatives for the decommissioning of waste materials. A systems engineered approach will minimize waste production and maximize efficiencies in the decommissioning schedule and offsite waste disposal. A key factor in this approach is to understand the disposal options and the staging criteria permitted within the specific applicable regulatory environment governing the decommissioning. For research reactor, nuclear power reactor, and other nuclear facilities involving complex systems, structures, and components, the key criteria and methodology of this systematic approach are applicable. Duratek has decommissioned numerous power reactor, research reactor, and industrial production facilities involving numerous complex systems and components. This paper focuses on the systems engineered approach, including applicable standards, waste streams, disposition alternatives, waste management methodologies, and lessons learned, for such decommissioning projects.

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