Solid scintillation proximity membranes were prepared for measuring surface in laboratories contaminated by the all types of radionuclides, such as H-3, C-14, and Cs-137 etc. Polysulfone scintillation proximity membranes were prepared by impregnating Cerium Activated Yttrium Silicate (CAYS),an inorganic fluor, in a membrane structure. The inorganic fluor-impregnated membranes were applied to detect the radioactive surface contamination directly without the aid of a scintillation cocktail. The preparation of membranes was divided into two processes. A supporting polymer film was made of casting solution consisting of polysulfone and solvent, their cast film being solidified by vacuum evaporation. CAYS-dispersed polymer solutions were cast over the first, solidified polymer films and coagulated either by evaporating solvent in the solution with non-solvent in a coagulation bath. The prepared membranes had two distinguished, but tightly attached, double layers: one is the supporting layer of dense polymer film and the other results revealed that the prepared membranes were eficient to monitor radioactive contamination with reliable counting ability. For enhancement of pick-up and measurement efficiency, the membrane was prepared with the condition of different membrane solidification. The scintillation produced by interaction with radiation and CAYS was measured with photomultiplier tube. The test results of the cocktail-free wipe test showed that the prepared membranes were efficient to monitor radionuclide-contaminated areas with the good counting ability as well as with the decrease of overall production of radioactive waste.

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