Behaviour of silicate compositions containing irradiated nuclear fuel, so-called lava-like fuel-containing materials (LFCM), which had been formed as a product of heavy nuclear accident on Chernobyl NPP 4-th Unit in 1986, have been under both the theoretical and workbench investigation. Recent experimental studies indicate, that LFCM and irradiated fuel surface does produce a submicronic radioactive dust spontaneously, i.e. without any external action. The non-contradicting quantitative explanation of observed phenomenon (giant sputtering yield) can be provided when taking into account an electron sputtering mechanism associated with Coulomb explosions, which occur intensively both just beneath a surface of materials under study and inside its volume as well. The last circumstance leads to necessity to reexamine the level of radiation damages in solids containing a large volume concentration of alpha- and beta-emitters in both. In principle, the observed phenomena must be of universal character for all high-radioactive dielectrics, but quantitative characteristics prognosis of its steadiness does depend on initial structure and properties of material. As for LFCM, it has been estimated by computer modeling based on a method of molecular dynamics (MD). The main outcome is the glass matrix cannot serve as a reliable material appointed for alpha radwaste immobilization. A submicronic radioactive dust have been already identified in the destroyed 4-th Unit premises in a large quantities; its regular pollutions in environment represents not a local, but the global problem due to a very special features concerning submicronic dust dissemination in environment.
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ASME 2003 9th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation
September 21–25, 2003
Oxford, England
Conference Sponsors:
- Nuclear Engineering Division and Environmental Engineering Division
Electron-Sputtering-Induced Spontaneous Dust Productivity and Radiation Steadiness of Silicate Compositions Containing the Irradiated Nuclear Fuel
O. Zhydkov,
O. Zhydkov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
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V. Zhydkov
V. Zhydkov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
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O. Zhydkov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
V. Zhydkov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Paper No:
ICEM2003-4987, pp. 1271-1276; 6 pages
Published Online:
February 24, 2009
Zhydkov, O, & Zhydkov, V. "Electron-Sputtering-Induced Spontaneous Dust Productivity and Radiation Steadiness of Silicate Compositions Containing the Irradiated Nuclear Fuel." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 9th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. 9th ASME International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation: Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Oxford, England. September 21–25, 2003. pp. 1271-1276. ASME.
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