According to the German disposal concept, all radioactive waste has to be emplaced in a repository constructed and operated in deep geological formations. To get a more detailed insight into site-specific safety-related issues, it is meaningful to perform additional investigations into the radiotoxicity and chemotoxicity. Thus, an evaluation including the hazard potential of organic and inorganic substances being the major constituents of waste packages to be disposed of becomes possible. In addition, possible releases via the water path must be investigated and assessed with regard to the safety of a repository during the post-closure phase, i.e. the radiological long-term effects (radionuclide-specific radiation exposures) as well as the possible pollution of near-surface groundwater by organic and inorganic substances. The latter will particularly take into account the principle of concern of section 34 “Reinhaltung” (Keeping Pure) of the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG – Water Resources Management Act).