The alpha-contaminated solid waste generated in Belgium results from past activities in the fuel cycle (R & D + Reprocessing and MOX fabrication pilot plants) and present operation of BELGONUCLEAIRE’s MOX fuel fabrication plant.
After the main steps in the management of alpha-contaminated solid waste were established, BELGONUCLEAIRE, with the support of BELGOPROCESS and ONDRAF/NIRAS, started the design and the realisation of the T & C and interim-storage facilities for this alpha waste.
The accumulated solid alpha radwaste containing a mixture of combustible and non-combustible material will be sorted. After sorting, both the accumulated and recently-generated non-combustible alpha waste will be embedded in a cement matrix.
The sorting and cementing facilities which include a glove-box line are erected in a building located on the BELGOPROCESS site.
The detailed design of the storage building (capacity of 4000 packages) designed for the conditioned alpha radwaste has been completed and the Civil Works has started in Spring 2001.