
EWN is performing a major decommissioning project of 5 WWER-440 reactors in Greifswald and a smaller WWER-70 reactor in Rheinsberg. The decommissioning concept foresees the complete dismantling of the reactor units up to green field conditions.

The planning and management of such a project, and especially the handling of enormous amounts of material, require a computerised planning and management tool based on a suitable data base. Ideally, this tool will be an interrelated data base, containing the necessary registration planning, calculation, supervision and control modules and procedures as well as standardised data sets.

The paper shortly describes the necessary basic hardware and software requirements, which have been developed. The scope of necessary input and output information and the developed modules as well as the interactions between them will be shown.

The main parts of the EWN decommissioning management system are the decommissioning information system, the documentation management/service event tracking system and the environmental information system.

The modules for the main project tasks — planning, cost and working resource definition as well as mass flow and project supervision will be described as well as the interaction between the data processing system and the practical needs of the EWN decommissioning project will be illustrated.

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