Aggressive goals for reliability improvement and noise reduction in compression ignition engines require treatment of all the rotating components as a system. The complex interaction of these components limits the practicality of simulations. Yet, at the same time, the large number of possible designs precludes testing every option. This paper presents a study where simulation is used to characterize rotating components and identify the proper application of solutions, and testing is used to integrate the possibilities in an optimal fashion. The study is done on a heavy-duty compression ignition engine, and includes a fresh look at traditional components (torsional viscoelastic dampers) as well as some novel technologies (pendulums and squeeze dampers).
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ASME 2003 Internal Combustion Engine and Rail Transportation Divisions Fall Technical Conference
September 7–10, 2003
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division
Controlling Vibration of the Entire Engine Rotating System
Kevin J. Knox
Kevin J. Knox
Caterpillar, Inc., Mossville, IL
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Kevin J. Knox
Caterpillar, Inc., Mossville, IL
Paper No:
ICEF2003-0730, pp. 47-53; 7 pages
Published Online:
January 22, 2009
Knox, KJ. "Controlling Vibration of the Entire Engine Rotating System." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 Internal Combustion Engine and Rail Transportation Divisions Fall Technical Conference. Design and Control of Diesel and Natural Gas Engines for Industrial and Rail Transportation Applications. Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. September 7–10, 2003. pp. 47-53. ASME.
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