Large gas engines used for power generation or transport rely on spark plugs to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber. One focus of recent development work has been on reducing emissions while enhancing the performance of the engine, and spark plugs have been identified as playing a crucial role in this evolution process. Spark plug development has contributed to reducing emissions and lowering fuel consumption. One key factor is the electrode material. For conventional high-performance spark plugs, which consist of precious metal electrodes (e.g., based on platinum or iridium), the potential for improvement is becoming limited. Due to their outstanding high-temperature stability, ceramic electrodes appear to be a promising alternative. The need for electrically conductive materials significantly limits the number of useable ceramics; further obstacles are their inherent brittleness and the challenge of attaching them to metals, which is indispensable for the intended application. This publication presents experiments in laboratory conditions with spark plugs equipped with ceramic electrodes. Ignition behavior tests and analysis of the secondary voltage trace of these spark plugs have yielded positive results, indicating the potential for future developments.