
This work proposes a model for predicting conversion efficiency in multi-functional flow-through catalysts with dual-layer washcoat. The mass transfer is more relevant in these devices than in single-layer washcoats due to the additional transport steps between the catalytic layers. In addition, the different reaction mechanisms between layers make the concentration of the chemical species differ in each layer. To deal with this boundary while consiD+dering the need for real-time computation, a reduced-order explicit solver for the convective diffusive reaction transport of chemical species is presented for the case of dual-layer washcoats. Assuming one-dimensional quasi-steady flow, the solution procedure consisted of substituting the interfacial fluxes defining the diffusive source terms in the bulk gas and washcoat conservation equations by expressions that depend explicitly on the average concentration in the gas phase. The solution was then applied to model the performance of dual-layer oxidation catalysts with reductant accumulation in one washcoat layer, such as diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) systems, during driving cycles. Firstly, the response of these catalysts was analyzed by comparing against experimental data and considering additional parameters provided by the model. Next, the importance of the mass transfer limitations was discussed to complete the analysis. The proposed model was compared with a simplified solver where the mass transfer steps were omitted, thus deteriorating the prediction capabilities in some driving cycle phases. Finally, a sensitivity study was performed to assess the impact of the mesh size on the prediction capabilities and computational requirements.

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