
Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is an emerging premix low temperature combustion philosophy. Contemporary understanding suggests that RCCI concept with a premix high octane (low reactivity) fuel and direct injected high cetane (high reactivity) fuel ensures in-cylinder stratification of equivalence ratio as well as fuel reactivity. This stratification of reactivity coupled with partial premixing ensures simultaneous reduction of oxides of nitrogen and smoke. Furthermore, the induced delay in combustion phasing and high compression ratio ensures diffusive flames away from piston surface resulting in higher thermal efficiency. In the present work, an experimental investigation was carried out using port injected gasoline and anhydrous ethanol as low reactivity pilot fuels and direct injected diesel as high reactivity main fuel under various energy share. A comparative study of both the pilot fuels were carried out in terms of engine performance, emission and in-cylinder behavior in both representative and statistical perspective.

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