
The injection characteristics of neat ethanol and pure iso-octane are studied under different ambient pressure and temperature conditions. Injection under flash-boiling conditions can enhance liquid atomization and evaporation, providing the possibility of improvement in the fuel/air mixing. These super-heated conditions often introduce phenomena that are not taken into account in the standard modeling of sprays for engine applications. The present work proposes a numerical investigation of the behavior of Engine Combustion Network’s 8-hole spray-G injector, starting at the subcooled nominal condition and reducing the ambient pressure at constant low temperature to reach the flare flash-boiling condition. To initialize the properties of the injected fuel, the flow in the nozzle is simulated with a Eulerian approach, handling the two phases with a mixture model and the phase change, due to cavitation and flash boiling, with the Homogenous Relaxation Model. A map of the mixture’s kinematic and thermal behavior is obtained at the interface between the injector and the chamber to initialize the Lagrangian simulations. A literature-based vaporization model is implemented to obtain the proper description of the characteristic features of a multi-hole spray under super-heated conditions, like plume-plume interaction. The numerical representation of the spray is validated in terms of penetration and radial spreading on DBI images, reproducing the light attenuation profiles caused by the presence of the liquid spray. Simulations show that coupled nozzle flow and spray calculations capture the spray morphology and shape better compared to calculations performed without considering the nozzle flow simulation details, especially under flare flash conditions.

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