One of the pending issues regarding Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines is high load operation limit constrained by excessive pressure rise rates (PRRs). The present study investigates various measures to reduce combustion harness in a residual-affected HCCI engine. At the same time, the impact of those measures on efficiency and emissions is assessed. Experimental research was performed on a single cylinder engine equipped with a fully-flexible valvetrain mechanism and direct gasoline injection. The HCCI combustion mode with exhaust gas trapping was realized using negative valve overlap and fuel reforming, achieved via the injection of a portion of fuel during exhaust re-compression.

Three measures are investigated for the PRR control under the same reference operating conditions, namely: (i) variable intake and exhaust valve timing, (ii) boost pressure adjustment and (iii) split fuel injection to control the amount of fuel injected for reforming. Variable exhaust valve timing enabled control of the amount of trapped residuals, and thus of the compression temperature. The reduction in the amount of trapped residuals, at elevated engine load, delays auto-ignition, which results in a simultaneous reduction of pressure rise rates and nitrogen oxides emissions. The effects of intake valve timing are much more complex, because they include the variability in the amount of intake air, the thermodynamic compression ratio as well as the in-cylinder fluid flow. It was found, however, that both early and late intake valve openings delay auto-ignition and prolong combustion. Additionally, the reduction of the amount of fuel injected during exhaust re-compression further delays combustion and reduces combustion rates. Intake pressure reduction has by far the largest effect on peak pressure reduction yet is connected with excessive NOx emissions. The research successfully identifies air-path and injection techniques, which allow for the control of combustion rates and emissions under elevated load regime, thus shorting the gap towards the real-world application of HCCI concepts.

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