This paper compares 20% bio-diesel (B20-choice white grease) fuel with baseline ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel on the emissions and performance of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and diesel particulate filter (DPF) coupled to a light-duty 4-cylinder 2.8-liter common-rail DI diesel engine. The present paper focuses on the comparison of the fuel effects on loading and active regeneration of the DPF between B20 and ULSD. B20, in general, produces less soot and has lower regeneration temperature compared to soot loaded with ULSD. NO2 concentrations before the DPF were found to be 6% higher with B20, indicating more availability of NO2 to oxidize the soot. Exhaust speciation of the NO2 availability indicates that the slight increase in NOx from B20 is not the dominant cause for the lower temperature regeneration and faster regeneration rate but the reactivity of the soot that is in the DPF. Formaldehyde concentrations are found to be higher with B20 during regeneration due to increased oxygen concentrations in the exhaust stream. Finally the oil dilution effect due to post injection to actively regenerate the DPF is also investigated using a prototype oil sensor and FTIR instrumentation. Utilizing an active regeneration strategy accentuates the possibility of fuel oil dilution of the engine oil. The onboard viscosity oil sensor used was in good agreement with the viscosity bench test and FTIR analysis and provided oil viscosity measurement over the course of the project. Operation with B20 shows significant fuel dilution and needs to be monitored to prevent engine deterioration.
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ASME 2009 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference
September 27–30, 2009
Lucerne, Switzerland
Conference Sponsors:
- Internal Combustion Engine Division
Effects of B20 on Emissions and the Performance of a Diesel Particulate Filter in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine
Amy M. Peterson,
Amy M. Peterson
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
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Ming-Chia Lai,
Ming-Chia Lai
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
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Craig L. DiMaggio,
Craig L. DiMaggio
Delphi Corporation, Troy, MI
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Haiying Tang
Haiying Tang
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
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Amy M. Peterson
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Po-I Lee
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Ming-Chia Lai
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Ming-Cheng Wu
Delphi Corporation, Troy, MI
Craig L. DiMaggio
Delphi Corporation, Troy, MI
Simon Ng
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Haiying Tang
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Paper No:
ICEF2009-14096, pp. 345-352; 8 pages
Published Online:
July 8, 2010
Peterson, AM, Lee, P, Lai, M, Wu, M, DiMaggio, CL, Ng, S, & Tang, H. "Effects of B20 on Emissions and the Performance of a Diesel Particulate Filter in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. ASME 2009 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. Lucerne, Switzerland. September 27–30, 2009. pp. 345-352. ASME.
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