As a preliminary study of cost estimates for nuclear hydrogen systems, the hydrogen production costs of the nuclear energy sources benchmarking GT-MHR and PBMR are estimated in the necessary input data on a Korean specific basis. G4-ECONS was appropriately modified to calculate the cost for hydrogen production of SI process with VHTR as a thermal energy source rather than the LUEC. The estimated costs presented in this paper show that hydrogen production by the VHTR could be competitive with current techniques of hydrogen production from fossil fuels if CO2 capture and sequestration is required. Nuclear production of hydrogen would allow large-scale production of hydrogen at economic prices while avoiding the release of CO2. Nuclear production of hydrogen could thus become the enabling technology for the hydrogen economy. The major factors that would affect the cost of hydrogen were also discussed.
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Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
September 28–October 1, 2008
Washington, DC, USA
Conference Sponsors:
Preliminary Cost Estimates for Massive Hydrogen Production Using SI Process
K. J. Yang,
K. J. Yang
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
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K. Y. Lee,
K. Y. Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
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T. H. Lee
T. H. Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
Search for other works by this author on:
K. J. Yang
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
K. Y. Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
T. H. Lee
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
Paper No:
HTR2008-58142, pp. 725-732; 8 pages
Published Online:
July 1, 2009
Yang, KJ, Lee, KY, & Lee, TH. "Preliminary Cost Estimates for Massive Hydrogen Production Using SI Process." Proceedings of the Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology. Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, Volume 2. Washington, DC, USA. September 28–October 1, 2008. pp. 725-732. ASME.
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