The modular Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor (PB-AHTR), with a nominal power output of 900 MWth, is the most recent US Berkeley design for a liquid fluoride salt cooled reactor. Due to the high volumetric heat capacity of the primary coolant, the PB-AHTR operates with a high power density core with a similar average coolant temperature as in modular helium reactors. The reactivity control system for the PB-AHTR uses a novel buoyantly-driven shutdown rod system that can be actively or passively activated during reactor transients. In addition to a traditional active insertion mechanism, the new shutdown rod system is designed to also operate passively, fulfilling the role of a reserve shutdown system. The physical response of the shutdown rod was simulated both computationally and experimentally, using scaling arguments where applicable, with an emphasis on key phenomena identified by a preliminary PIRT study. This paper discusses preliminary results from this effort.
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Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
September 28–October 1, 2008
Washington, DC, USA
Conference Sponsors:
A Novel Buoyantly-Driven Shutdown Rod Design for Passive Reactivity Control of the PB-AHTR
E. D. Blandford,
E. D. Blandford
University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
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P. F. Peterson
P. F. Peterson
University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
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E. D. Blandford
University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
P. F. Peterson
University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Paper No:
HTR2008-58318, pp. 255-263; 9 pages
Published Online:
July 1, 2009
Blandford, ED, & Peterson, PF. "A Novel Buoyantly-Driven Shutdown Rod Design for Passive Reactivity Control of the PB-AHTR." Proceedings of the Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology. Fourth International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, Volume 2. Washington, DC, USA. September 28–October 1, 2008. pp. 255-263. ASME.
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