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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT2019, ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, V001T08A003, July 14–17, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT2019-3628
...: Spray cooling, Refrigeration, R5134a, CHF, Spray Chamber. NOMENCLATURE Cp specific heat capacity (J/kg.K) d32 Sauter mean diameter (m) do nozzle throat diameter (m) GWP Global Warming Potential hfg latent heat of evaporation (kJ/kg) HTC heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K) ODP Ozone Depletion Potential...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT2008, Heat Transfer: Volume 2, 727-733, August 10–14, 2008
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT2008-56474
... 10 07 2009 The tracks of the nozzles were studied during spray cooling with different inclination angles, based on the study of Visaria [1,2] and the critical heat flux (CHF) criterion, which means that CHF will be achieved when the spray is configured on the condition that the spray...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT2005, Heat Transfer: Volume 2, 163-170, July 17–22, 2005
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT2005-72504
... 03 04 2009 In this study a method to predict CHF (Critical Heat Flux) in vertical round tubes with cosine heat flux distribution was examined. For this purpose a uniform correlation, based on local condition hypothesis, was developed from 9,366 CHF data points of uniform heat flux...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT2005, Heat Transfer: Volume 3, 977-983, July 17–22, 2005
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT2005-72175
... 03 04 2009 A new generalized CHF (Critical Heat Flux) correlation was suggested for water flow in uniformly heated Annulur tubes. The parametric ranges of experimental CHF data used for present analysis were as follows: 0.540< P (pressure) < 15.146 MPa, 197.77 < G (mass flux...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT-FED2004, Volume 3, 591-599, July 11–15, 2004
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT-FED2004-56301
... 03 03 2009 In recent years it is well known that models based on the local condition hypothesis give significant correlations for the prediction of CHF (Critical Heat Flux), using only few local variables. In this work, a study was carried out to develop a generalized CHF correlation...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. HT2003, Heat Transfer: Volume 2, 623-630, July 21–23, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: HT2003-47460
... 1 Copyright © 2003 by ASME and compared to evaluate the effects of parameters on the CHF. It has revealed that the major variables which influenced the CHF, other than the system pressure (P), were tube diameter (D), mass flux of water (G), and local true mass fraction of vapor (Xt). Square root...