
An experimental study was conducted to compare several different micro fin array configurations to determine which channel design allows for maximum heat transfer for the largest range of flow conditions. The fin configurations were tested on novel microchannel cooling devices to measure their effectiveness. Three array configurations were tested: a dummy channel, a straight channel, and a hybrid channel. The baseline of which is a simple linear fin array that has previously proven to be effective. The second is a segmented design, in which the arrays of fins are part of a larger array of diamond-shaped segments. The final design is a hybrid between the first two configurations, resembling the straight fin design but cut into larger segments diagonally. A custom cover was made to allow measurements for temperature and pressure to be made at the inlet and outlet of the channel while not impeding the mass flux through the system. Using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was found that the average hydraulic diameter of each channel is 155 microns. Each cooling device was tested under a range of flowrate and heat inputs. The temperature change and pressure drop were calculated using temperature and pressure data from the inlet and outlet. This information, along with the mass flux, allows for a wide range of comparisons to be made between configurations. The experimental results revealed that, for single-phase flow, the original segmented fin configuration is the most effective. However, it is believed that the disruptive geometry of the segmented channel will allow for much greater flow mixing for all flow rates. Thus, allowing the design to perform well under a broader range of conditions. It was found during this experiment that the segmented channel design outperformed both the straight fin channel and the dummy channel.

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