
The drying characteristics and drying quality of fresh white waxy corn were investigated under three different drying methods (sun drying, hot-air drying and far-infrared drying) and different drying temperatures (55 °C, 60 °C, 65 °C, 70 °C, 75 °C, 80 °C). The optimal drying method and drying condition were obtained by comparing the drying time and drying quality including damage rate, rehydration capacity and the contents of protein, fatty acid and starch. The results showed that the drying time of sun drying was the longest, while the drying quality was the best, i.e., the damage rate was the lowest and the nutrient retention was the highest. The far-infrared drying time was shorter and the quality was better than that of hot air drying. The higher the temperature, the faster the drying rate. The optimal drying temperature was 60 °C under far-infrared drying, which can effectively remove the water and keep the food quality. Besides, the drying rate was faster than hot air, and the color of the dried products was brighter. When hot air drying was used, the value of fatty acids did not change much below 65 °C, but it rose sharply above 65 °C. The optimal drying temperature was 65 °C, under which the drying rate was moderate and the quality was relatively good. If the production cost was considered, sun drying was the best, following the 60 °C far-infrared drying. This conclusion can provide a reference for the drying conditions of corn after harvest in agricultural production, and to a certain extent provide suggestions for the later drying treatment methods and treatment temperatures of fresh white waxy corn.

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