
In the jets array cooling system of the gas turbine, the downstream jets will be deflected by the crossflow and the heat transfer in the downstream will be suppressed. In this paper, the rectangular vortex generators are arranged in the jet arrays to enhance the jet impingement heat transfer. Through the numerical simulations, the configuration of rectangular vortex generators (Common-flow-down CFD and Common-flow-up CFU) and the relative position (l2) between the impingements and the rectangular vortex generators are studied. The results show that both of configurations are beneficial to the suppression of the crossflow and enhance the heat transfer in the downstream. The maximum enhancement of the whole regional average Nusselt numbers in CFD-VGs configuration can reach up to 9.09% with lower than 5% increase of the pressure loss and that in CFU-VGs configuration can reach up to 10.8% with lower than 4.8% increase of the pressure loss. From the perspective of the whole regional average Nusselt numbers and the overall thermal efficiency, the CFD-VGs with l2 = 0 has the best performance. However, from the perspective of the whole regional average Nusselt numbers, the CFU-VGs with l2 = 0 has the best performance, while from the perspective of the overall thermal efficiency, the CFU-VGs with l2 = 3 has the best performance.

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