
In this work, heat transfer coefficient during condensation of a refrigerant on the outside surface of a copper tube with wavy fins was experimentally investigated. To fully characterize the condensation heat transfer, the experiments were conducted under two conditions: no refrigerant overfeed and subject to various degree inundation. The results under the condition of no overfeed are compared with the Beatty and Katz model. While the trend of degradation with increasing subcooling was in good agreement with the model (within 5%), the condensation heat transfer coefficients from the wavy fins were 11–15% higher. Based on the Nusselt model, the surface tension effect is not taken into account in the Beatty and Katz model, which plays an important role in condensation on a surface with fins. The photographs taken during the experiments showed that the condensate dripping columns have a pitch is in agreement with that proposed by Yung et al. [24] for falling film evaporation applications. The second part of the experiments under the various degree of inundation provides further insight into the heat transfer capability of the surface with wavy fins.

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