The radiative heat transfer problem is investigated numerically for 2D complex pilot plant of biomass pyrolysis composed by two pyrolysis chambers and a heat recuperator. In order to increase gases residence time and heat transfer, the heat recuperator is provided with many inclined, vertical, horizontal, diffuse and gray baffles of finite thickness and has a complex geometry. The Finite Volume Method (FVM) is applied to study radiative heat transfer. The blocked-off region procedure is used to treat the geometrical irregularities. Seven cases are considered in order to demonstrate the effect of adding baffles on the walls of the heat recuperator and on the walls of the pyrolysis rooms then choose the best case giving the maximum heat flux transferred to the biomass in the pyrolysis chambers. Shadow effect caused by the presence of the baffles is also studied.
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ASME 2009 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the InterPACK09 and 3rd Energy Sustainability Conferences
July 19–23, 2009
San Francisco, California, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Heat Transfer Division
Modeling of Radiative Heat Transfer in 2D Complex Furnace of Biomass Pyrolysis Fumes: A Study of Shadow Effect
Mohamed Ammar Abbassi,
Mohamed Ammar Abbassi
METS - ENIS - IPEIS, Sfax, Tunisia
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Kamel Guedri,
Kamel Guedri
Unite´ de Recherche d’Etude des Milieux Ionise´s et Re´actifs (EMIR), Sfax, Tunisia
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Mohamed Naceur Borjini,
Mohamed Naceur Borjini
Unite´ de Recherche d’Etude des Milieux Ionise´s et Re´actifs (EMIR), Sfax, Tunisia
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Kamel Halouani,
Kamel Halouani
METS - ENIS - IPEIS, Sfax, Tunisia
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Belkacem Zeghmati
Belkacem Zeghmati
Universite´ de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France
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Mohamed Ammar Abbassi
METS - ENIS - IPEIS, Sfax, Tunisia
Kamel Guedri
Unite´ de Recherche d’Etude des Milieux Ionise´s et Re´actifs (EMIR), Sfax, Tunisia
Mohamed Naceur Borjini
Unite´ de Recherche d’Etude des Milieux Ionise´s et Re´actifs (EMIR), Sfax, Tunisia
Kamel Halouani
METS - ENIS - IPEIS, Sfax, Tunisia
Belkacem Zeghmati
Universite´ de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France
Paper No:
HT2009-88023, pp. 23-31; 9 pages
Published Online:
March 12, 2010
Abbassi, MA, Guedri, K, Borjini, MN, Halouani, K, & Zeghmati, B. "Modeling of Radiative Heat Transfer in 2D Complex Furnace of Biomass Pyrolysis Fumes: A Study of Shadow Effect." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the InterPACK09 and 3rd Energy Sustainability Conferences. Volume 1: Heat Transfer in Energy Systems; Thermophysical Properties; Heat Transfer Equipment; Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment. San Francisco, California, USA. July 19–23, 2009. pp. 23-31. ASME.
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