In this work, human transient thermal responses and comfort are studied in non-uniform radiant heating and convective heating environments. The focus was on a change from walking activity of human in outdoor cold environment at high clothing insulation to warm indoor environment at sedentary activity level associated with lower clothing insulation. A transient multi-segmented bioheat model sensitive to radiant asymmetry is used to compare how fast the human body approaches steady state thermal conditions in both radiative and convective warm environments. A space thermal model is integrated with the bioheat model to predict the transient changes in skin and core temperature of a person subject to change in metabolic rate and clothing insulation when entering conditioned indoor space. It was found that overall thermal comfort and neutrality were reached in 6.2 minutes in the radiative environment compared to 9.24 minutes in convective environment. The local thermal comfort of various body segments differed in their response to the convective system where it took more than 19 minutes for extremities to reach local comfort unlike the radiative system where thermal comfort was attained within 7 minutes.

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