The paper investigates the deposition and erosion caused by Syngas ash particles in a film cooled leading edge region of a representative turbine vane. The carrier phase is predicted using Large Eddy Simulation for three blowing ratios of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2. Three ash particle sizes of 1, 5, and 10 microns are investigated using Lagrangian dynamics. The 1 micron particles with momentum Stokes number St = 0.03 (based on approach velocity and cylinder diameter), follow the flow streamlines around the leading edge and few particles reach the blade surface. The 10 micron particles, on the other hand with a high momentum Stokes number, St = 3, directly impinge on the surface, with blowing ratio having a minimal effect. The 5 micron particles with St = 0.8, show the largest receptivity to coolant flow and blowing ratio. On a number basis, 85–90% of the 10 micron particles, 40–50% of 5 micron particles and less than 1% of 1 micron particles deposit on the surface. Overall there is a slight decrease in percentage of particles deposited with increase in blowing ratio. On the other hand, the potential for erosive wear is highest in the coolant hole and is mostly attributed to 5 micron particles. It is only at B.R. = 1.2 that 10 micron particles contribute to erosive wear in the coolant hole.

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