Liquid cooled exhaust manifolds are used in turbo charged diesel and gas engines in the marine and various industrial applications. Performance of the manifold has a significant impact on the engine efficiency. Modifying manifold design and changing operational parameters are ways to improve its performance. With the rapid advance of computer technology and numerical methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a powerful tool that can provide useful information for manifold optimization. In this study, commercial CFD software (FLUENT®) was used to analyze liquid cooled exhaust manifolds. Detailed information of flow property distribution and heat transfer were obtained in order to provide a fundamental understanding of the manifold operation. Experimental data was compared with the CFD results to validate the numerical simulation. Computations were performed to investigate the parametric effects of operating conditions (engine rotational speed, coolant flow rate, coolant inlet temperature, exhaust gas inlet temperature, surface roughness of the manifold’s material) on the performance of the manifold. Results were consistent with the experimental observations. Suggestions were made to improve the manifold design and performance.
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ASME 2003 Heat Transfer Summer Conference
July 21–23, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Heat Transfer Division
CFD Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer Inside a Liquid-Cooled Exhaust Manifold
Rade Milanovic,
Rade Milanovic
Purdue University at Calumet, Hammond, IN
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Chenn Q. Zhou,
Chenn Q. Zhou
Purdue University at Calumet, Hammond, IN
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Jim Majdak,
Jim Majdak
Hadady Corporation, South Holland, IL
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Robert Cantwell
Robert Cantwell
Hadady Corporation, South Holland, IL
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Rade Milanovic
Purdue University at Calumet, Hammond, IN
Chenn Q. Zhou
Purdue University at Calumet, Hammond, IN
Jim Majdak
Hadady Corporation, South Holland, IL
Robert Cantwell
Hadady Corporation, South Holland, IL
Paper No:
HT2003-47294, pp. 785-792; 8 pages
Published Online:
December 17, 2008
Milanovic, R, Zhou, CQ, Majdak, J, & Cantwell, R. "CFD Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer Inside a Liquid-Cooled Exhaust Manifold." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. Heat Transfer: Volume 3. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. July 21–23, 2003. pp. 785-792. ASME.
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