Depending on the heat flux, mass flux, and subcooling of inlet water, three boiling instability modes in silicon microchannels are possible. These are: the LTAF (Liquid/Two-phase Alternating Flow) mode, the CTF (Continuous Two-phase Flow) mode, and the LTVAF (Liquid/Two-phase/Vapor Alternating Flow) mode. It is found that the LTAF mode occurs at low heat flux and high mass flux, and has medium-amplitude temperature and pressure oscillations. The CTF mode appears at the medium heat flux and medium mass flux, and has small-amplitude temperature and pressure oscillations. The LTVAF mode appears at high heat flux and low mass flux, and has large-amplitude temperature and pressure oscillations. During the two-phase period of the LTAF mode, bubbly flow is found to be the dominant flow pattern. Some peculiar flow patterns are observed during the two-phase period of CTF and LTVAF modes under the experimental conditions.
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ASME 2003 Heat Transfer Summer Conference
July 21–23, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Heat Transfer Division
Three Boiling Instability Modes in Silicon Microchannels
H. Y. Wu,
H. Y. Wu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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Ping Cheng
Ping Cheng
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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H. Y. Wu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Ping Cheng
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Paper No:
HT2003-47463, pp. 631-637; 7 pages
Published Online:
December 17, 2008
Wu, HY, & Cheng, P. "Three Boiling Instability Modes in Silicon Microchannels." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. Heat Transfer: Volume 2. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. July 21–23, 2003. pp. 631-637. ASME.
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