This paper presents the results of an experimental study on heat transfer and pressure drop at critical and supercritical pressures of refrigerant R410A inside a horizontal 9.4 mm I.D. tube. Knowledge of heat transfer and pressure drop in such refrigerants blends at elevated pressures is gaining increasing attention for the design of vapor-compression space-conditioning and water heating systems at high heat rejection temperatures. Local heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops were measured for the mass flux range 200 < G < 800 kg/m2-s for the temperature range from 30–110°C. A technique that simultaneously allows accurate measurement of low local heat duties and deduction of the tube-side heat transfer coefficient from the measured overall resistance was used. A primary cooling loop using water at high flow rates ensures that the refrigerant side presents the governing thermal resistance. Heat exchange with a secondary cooling water stream at a much lower flow rate amplifies the coolant temperature difference, which in turn enables accurate heat duty measurements. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient exhibits a sharp peak in the vicinity of the vapor-liquid dome. These data are compared with the most relevant correlations from the literature and possible explanations for agreement and discrepancies between the data and predictions are provided.

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