The refrigeration Brayton cycle, which has been used extensively in various industries, has an excellent potential for use in automotive air conditioning applications. However, the air-cycle system has a couple of drawbacks including fog generation and low cycle efficiency. In this research project, an air-to-air heat exchanger called a ‘mixer’ is designed and used at the outlet of a refrigeration Brayton cycle. The primary function of the mixer is to remove moisture from the secondary warm airflow into the system. Successful moisture removal from the secondary airflow results in achieving the second function of fog dissipation from the primary cold airflow. In order for the system to perform appropriately, the moisture removal rate must be kept at the highest possible rate. The experimental results from this research project reveal that to enhance moisture removal rate, one may either increase the primary cold airflow rate, decrease the secondary warm airflow rate, or the combination of the above airflow adjustments. Furthermore, based on experimental results, one may speculate that there is an optimum point in decreasing the secondary airflow rate. However, in increasing the primary airflow rate, one must be aware of the pressure drop through the cold side of the mixer as the higher pressure drop results in higher power consumption for the Brayton cycle. It is important to point out that appropriate levels of the primary and secondary airflows impacts the mixer effectiveness, and that for a constant cold airflow rate, decreasing the warm airflow rate below the cold airflow rate results in higher effectiveness.

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