
Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) is a systems engineering methodology to understand the customer needs and create functional model to capture requirements and develop design definitions. This paper represents the MBSE activity carried out on Turbine Tip Clearance Control (TCC) System for a Trent XWB Engine. TCC is a critical system of an Aircraft engine, whose function is vital throughout the engine life. This is a complex system as both mechanical and control systems need to interact seamlessly to meet its operational requirement. The key accomplishment of this study is, abstracting of complex mechanical system into functional model and connecting it to functional model of Controls in MBSE environment. This is done for a system that meets the standards of very safety critical and highly regulated industry of Civil Aircraft Engines.

The software used for building requirements models for TCC is Capella. Capella is open source free software built on Architecture Analysis and Design Integrated Approach (Arcadia) frame work. This framework extends and simplifies SysML. The advantages of this frame work over SysML are explained in [Ref. 1]. The Arcadia frame work is well suited to capture the complex systems involving multiple disciplines along with Mechanical systems as explained in [Ref. 2].

This paper presents a detailed study performed on product system level requirements and captures both functional and non-functional requirements such as operational and safety requirements. In the Arcadia framework this is represented at system analysis level. Further studies capture the logical and physical architecture which is representative in nature.

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