Unsteady transonic flows in diffuser have become increasingly important, because of its application in new propulsion systems. In the development of supersonic inlet, air breathing propulsion systems of aircraft and missiles, detail investigations of these types of flow behavior are very much essential. In these propulsion systems, naturally present self-sustaining oscillations, believed to be equivalent to dynamically distorted flow fields in operational inlets, were found under all operating conditions. The investigations are also relevant to pressure oscillations known to occur in ramjet inlets in response to combustor instabilities. The unsteady aspects of these flows are important because the appearance of undesirable fluctuations generally impose limitation on the inlet performance. Test results of ramjet propulsion systems have shown undesirable high amplitude pressure fluctuations caused by the combustion instability. The pressure fluctuations originated from the combustor extend forward into the inlet and interact with the diffuser flow-field. Depending on different parameters such as the diffuser geometry, the inlet/exit pressure ratio, the flow Mach number, different complicated phenomena may occur. The most important characteristics are the occurrence of shock induced separation, the length of separation region downstream of the shock location, and the oscillation of shock location as well as the oscillation of the whole downstream flow. Sajben experimentally investigated in detail the time mean and unsteady flow characteristics of supercritical transonic diffuser as a function of flow Mach number upstream the shock location and diffuser length. The flows exhibited features similar to those in supersonic inlets of air-breathing propulsion systems of aircraft. A High-order LES turbulence model developed by the author is assessed with experimental data of Sajben on the self-excited shock oscillation phenomena. The whole diffuser model configuration including the suction slot located at certain axial location around the bottom and side walls to remove boundary layer, are included in the present computation model. The time-mean and unsteady flow characteristics in this transonic diffuser as a function of flow Mach number and diffuser length are investigated in detail. The results of study showed that in the case of shock-induced separation flow, the length and thickness of the reverse flow region of the separation-bubble change, as the shock passed through its cycle. The instabilities in the separated layer, the shock /boundary layer interaction, the dynamics of entrainment in the separation bubble, and the interaction of the travelling pressure wave with the pressure fluctuation region caused by the step-like structure of the suction slot play very important role in the shock-oscillation frequency.

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