A Counter-Rotating System (CRS) is composed of a front rotor and a rear rotor which rotates in the opposite direction. Compared with traditional rotor-stator system, the rear rotor is used not only to recover the static head but also to supply energy to the fluid. Therefore, to achieve the same performance, the use of a CRS may lead to a reduction of the rotational speed and may generate better homogeneous flow downstream of the stage. On the other hand, the mixing area in between the two rotors induces complicated interacting flow structures.

Blade sweep has attracted the turbomachinery blade designers owing to a variety of performance benefits it offers. However, the effect of blade sweep on the performance, stall margin improvements whether it is advantageous/disadvantageous to sweep one or both rotors has not been studied till now. In the current investigation blade sweep on the performance characteristics of contra rotating axial flow fans are studied. Two sweep schemes (axial sweeping and tip chord line sweeping) are studied for two sweep angles (20° and 30°). Effect of blade sweep on front rotor and rear rotor are dealt separately by sweeping one at a time. Both rotors are swept together and effect of such sweep scheme on the aerodynamic performance of the stage is also reported here. The performance of contra rotating fan is significantly affected by all these parameters. Blade sweep improved the pressure rise and stall margin of front rotors. Axially swept rotors are found to have higher pressure rise with reduced incidence losses near the tip for front rotors. Sweeping the rear rotor is not effective since the pressure rise is less than that of unswept rotor and also has less stall margin.

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