The behaviour of a separated shear layer past a semi-circular leading edge flat plate, its transition and reattachment downstream to separation are investigated for different imposed pressure gradients. The experiments are carried out in a blowing tunnel for a Reynolds number of 2.44×105 (based on chord and free-stream velocity). The mean flow characteristics and the instantaneous vector field are documented using a two-component LDA and a planar PIV, whereas, surface pressures are measured with Electronically scanned pressure (ESP). The onset of separation occurs near the blend point for all values of β (flap angle deflection), however, a considerable shift is noticed in the point of reattachment. The dimensions of the separation bubble is highly susceptible to β and plays an important role in the activity of the outer shear layer. Instantaneous results from PIV show a significant unsteadiness in the shear layer at about 30% of the bubble length, which is further amplified in the second half of the bubble leading to three-dimensional motions. The reverse flow velocity is higher for a favourable pressure gradient (β = +30°) and is found to be 21% of the free stream velocity. The Reynolds number calculated based on ll (laminar shear layer length), falls in the range of 0.9×104 to 1.4×104. The numerical values concerning the criterion for separation and reattachment agree well with the available literature.

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