A computational study on spray combustion, using kerosene (C12H23) as fuel, in a model gas turbine combustor has been carried out. The numerical modelling of radiation heat transfer is carried out in a three-dimensional swirl stabilized, liquid-fuelled combustor. The Favre-averaged governing equations are solved using Ansys Fluent 14.5 as the CFD package. The turbulence parameters are computed using realizable k-ε with standard wall functions model. Eulerian-Lagrangian approach is used to track stochastically the motion of the evaporation species in the continuous gas phase. The effect of different radiation models — Discrete Ordinate (DO), P1 and Discrete Transfer Radiation Model (DTRM) along with Soot are analysed in the present study. To validate the results of radiation modelling carried out in the present work, the computational results have been compared with previous experimental data for the same combustor geometry. The numerical data considering effect of soot along with radiation is shown to closely approximate the experimental data. An attempt has also been made to introduce a liner in the combustor and evaluate its effect and the heat transfer across the liner for the present numerical model.

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