The Pre-combustion IGCC Power Generation technology presents novel challenges in terms of gas turbine operation. The hydrogen-rich gaseous fuel has much higher heating value than conventional syngas. In a state of the art precombustion IGCC power plant, the fuel utilised in a gas turbine is generated on-site by a coal gasification unit followed by gas clean-up, water-gas (sour) shift reaction and CO2 sequestration. The Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process is techno-economically promising option for separation of hydrogen from the syngas. However, the PSA process is inherently transient in nature. Performance of PSA process is dependent on the process configuration and various devised different PSA process configurations and reported the purity and recovery rate of hydrogen and carbon dioxide rich product gas streams. However, these process configurations published in literature are not directly adaptable to the state of the art pre-combustion IGCC power plant due to variations in the feed composition and condition. Moreover, the current research works have not addressed the impact of varying amount of hydrogen recovery on the power generation characteristics. Two important configurations of the PSA process are identified and their CAPEX is estimated.

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