In a gas turbine combustor, it is necessary to use a diffuser to decelerate the high velocity air stream delivered by the compressor and thus avoid high total pressure loss. The interaction between the diffuser and combustor external flows plays a key role in controlling the pressure loss, air flow distribution around the combustor liner. Flow through casing-liner annulus is crucial as it feeds air to the primary, secondary and dilution holes. It is important that the annulus flow has sufficient static pressure to achieve adequate penetration of the jets. Moreover, the correct proportion of air enters the combustor liner through the dome and the various ports to maintain stable operation and good quality outlet condition. Length of combustor can be reduced if a provision is made for sufficient diffusion in the dump region. In the present numerical study, three can-combustor models of different geometry with a constant dump-gap have been analyzed with emphasis on the flow through annulus. A comparison has been made amongst the three models in terms of flow uniformity, static pressure recovery and total pressure loss. It is observed that flow uniformity in the annulus region is improved if a small divergence in length and a curved shape step height casing is made.
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ASME 2012 Gas Turbine India Conference
December 1, 2012
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Effect of Casing Geometry on Flow Characteristics in a Model Can-Combustor
Dhirgham Alkhafagiy,
Dhirgham Alkhafagiy
University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
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Prabal Talukdar
Prabal Talukdar
IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
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Abdur Rahim
JMI, New Delhi, India
Dhirgham Alkhafagiy
University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
Prabal Talukdar
IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
Paper No:
GTINDIA2012-9538, pp. 73-78; 6 pages
Published Online:
July 25, 2013
Rahim, A, Alkhafagiy, D, & Talukdar, P. "Effect of Casing Geometry on Flow Characteristics in a Model Can-Combustor." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Gas Turbine India Conference. ASME 2012 Gas Turbine India Conference. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. December 1, 2012. pp. 73-78. ASME.
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