In this paper, employing an Eulerian-Eulerian method, based on a non-equilibrium point of view, the simulation of a two-phase vapor-liquid flow in the blade to blade passage has been numerically studied. In the following, the governing phenomena in blade to blade passage as well as important parameters in the blade design procedure have been investigated.

In the first section, after introducing the physical governing phenomenon in the subsonic and supersonic outflows, the mechanisms will be discussed which play a way more important role in changing the outlet pressure compared to the other less important ones. In the next section, the blade loading distribution, which is one of the most important parameters in designing the steam-turbine blades, has been studied. At the last part noting the significance of gas mass phase fraction on the blade surface, this parameter is comprehensively investigated. In order to perform a more successful analysis, the blade to blade passage has been simulated by a convergent-divergent nozzle. Taking into account the governing phenomena in the convergent-divergent nozzle and using the developed simulation model, most of experimental observations could be reproduced and also successfully understood.

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