The tensile stress relaxation behavior of two NiCoCrAlY bond coat alloys was examined at several temperatures between 25 and 899°C (1650°F) and at 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.8% strain. One alloy was made from Praxair’s CO211 powder and served as the reference alloy, while the other was a Westinghouse-developed, oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy. The specimens were loaded to the desired tensile strain at a constant strain rate, and the elastic modulus, yield strength, and yield strain were determined as a function of temperature for the two alloys using the stress/strain information from this loading segment. There was not a statistically significant difference in the high temperature elastic properties between the two alloys, although the oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy tended to exhibit larger yield strengths. The relaxation data for both alloys were reduced into a form in which instantaneous stressing rate during relaxation was examined as a function of stress and temperature using an Arrhenius power-law model. The oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy exhibited a larger stress exponent and activation energy than the reference alloy between 677–899°C (1250–1650°F), and was generally more creep resistant. The results from this study demonstrate that bond coat relaxation should occur during engine operation. Bond coatings fabricated from the oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy have the potential to reduce residual stresses in the TBC ceramic top coating.

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