The use of biomass fuels in gas turbine engines requires an examination of the effect of the fuel on the engine materials. While the fuel may be more environmentally friendly than conventional fuels, it has the potential to produce serious life limiting corrosion within gas turbine engines. The effects of the high alkali and low sulphur content of the fuel on its corrosive properties needs to be examined. To determine the extent and type of corrosion typical material systems were exposed to bio-fuel combustion products in a flame tunnel and furnace under conditions designed to promote high temperature corrosion. The preliminary results indicate that type I hot corrosion is certainly occurring with some signs of type II hot corrosion in certain material systems.
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ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition
June 2–5, 1998
Stockholm, Sweden
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Elevated Temperature Exposure of Gas Turbine Materials to a Bio-Fuel Combustion Environment
P. C. Patnaik,
P. C. Patnaik
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
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C. Adams,
C. Adams
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
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D. Fuleki,
D. Fuleki
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
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R. Thamburaj
R. Thamburaj
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
P. C. Patnaik
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
C. Adams
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
D. Fuleki
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
R. Thamburaj
Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada
Paper No:
98-GT-164, V003T05A014; 28 pages
Published Online:
December 23, 2014
Patnaik, PC, Adams, C, Fuleki, D, & Thamburaj, R. "Elevated Temperature Exposure of Gas Turbine Materials to a Bio-Fuel Combustion Environment." Proceedings of the ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Combustion and Fuels; Oil and Gas Applications; Cycle Innovations. Stockholm, Sweden. June 2–5, 1998. V003T05A014. ASME.
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